
Carl, a Product of God’s Sense of Humor

Carl was born on October 6, 2014, the same day that my husband’s father entered into an assistant living community. We never knew that this day would change our world in so many ways. For my father in law, this day would mean going from independence to a life of being told what to do and where he could and could not go.

Our life also changed on this day in October because of the peace we would experience from knowing that Joe, my father in law, would be receiving the care he needed after being diagnosed with dementia and lung cancer.  But it was also the birthday of our little dog that would rock our world.

I personally believe that God has a great sense of humor. To have two major events happen on the same day without our knowledge can only be seen as a touch of humor from our maker. If you think about it, He created us with a sense of humor so why should we think He doesn’t have one?

Didn’t God allow Sarah, an old woman far beyond her child bearing age, to carry a child to term? Even when she laughed when God promised Abraham that he would be a father. And what about the day that He stopped the rotation of the earth long enough for Joshua to destroy the Amorites? Could this be an act of humor as He observed the Israelites battle with the extra couple of hours of sunlight?

But the one time in the Bible that clearly demonstrates God’s sense of humor can be found in Numbers 22:27-34 when he opened the mouth of a donkey to tell his servant Balaam, that an angel was standing in the road. God must have been shaking his head and wondering what he had to do to get his attention.

So if God opened the mouth of a donkey to speak to Balaam, I believe God can use a tailless French bull dog to speak to me. Carl may not speak words but he has surely spoken volumes as I have tried to discover what God’s will is for me. And the coolest part of owning this little Frenchie is seeing a glimpse of God’s humor every day.



4 thoughts on “Carl, a Product of God’s Sense of Humor

    1. It was interesting when I wrote this particular post I asked people if they thought that God had a sense of humor. It was amazing the number of people had to really think about it. Owning my dog Carl definitely proves that God surely has a sense of humor. He must!

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