
All Knowing Love

Vern barged through the doggy door with his muddy paws creating prints all over my clean wood floor. He jumped up and down in front of Bee and then made his way to the blanket in front of the fire. As annoying as it is to clean the mud from the floor, his behavior isContinue reading “All Knowing Love”

Vern’s Surgery

Vern is going into elective surgery today. Maybe I should rephrase this. Vern is having surgery we determined necessary for him. As much as we liked the idea of little Verns running around, it will be easier for everyone involved to have him snipped. Have you ever experienced something in life that was totally outContinue reading “Vern’s Surgery”

The Desire for Attention

Vern can’t understand why Bee doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. All he wants is what dogs want, some companionship and attention. But Bee knows better. She has been around the block a couple of times with other male dogs, and knows the attention Vern wants to give, isn’t welcome. Humans areContinue reading “The Desire for Attention”

Our Predictable Lives

Life for Vern has been different this week. Instead of having free reign over his environment, he has been living in confined spaces and directed with a leash to where he can roam.  For the first time in his predictable life, Vern has been taken away from all he recognizes and thrust into a worldContinue reading “Our Predictable Lives”


It was clear that Vern was not feeling well. He ignored his food and only wanted to lie down in front of the fire. Bee, on the other hand, was eager to go after the extra bowl of food that she didn’t need, given we are watching her waist line. All morning, we tried toContinue reading “Voices”

Facing our Fears

Vern loves to go camping but when it is time for sleep, he transforms from a confident male to a meek puppy full of fear. Last night as we lay our heads down and turned the light off, Vern began to cry. At first it was a soft whimper but when we didn’t react, itContinue reading “Facing our Fears”


Vern and Bee stayed at the campsite as we made our way to the trails that circled Stone Mountain. I had been warned about the number of steps that you must climb upward in order to get back up from the waterfall. So when we saw that there was a trail that would take usContinue reading “Destinations”